
Photoshop box

Adobe Photoshop 5.5.
This fantastic program never ceases to amaze me and I use it every day. I can spend hours just tinkering with the plethora of options that it has built into it. Not cheap to buy, but, in my opinion, Photoshop is the very best of the Graphic & Photo Enhancement programs available.

Paint Shop Pro Box

JASC Paint Shop Pro
A bit of a poor cousin to Photoshop, but considering the huge price difference, it is well worth the money. Paint Shop is very user friendly and extremely popular.

Dreamweaver  Box

The authoring program I used to build this Web Site.... Simply the Best!


Idiots Photoshop cover

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Photoshop 5
by Robert Stanley (Alpha Books)
n informative and, at times, funny guide to the intricacy's of using Photoshop.
Budget priced and very highly recommended.

Idiots Photoshop cover

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Paint Shop Pro
by Nat Gertler (Alpha Books)
Ditto, only this time it is for Paint Shop Pro users.

Better Website cover

How to setup and Maintain a Web Site
By Lincoln D. Stein (Addison-Wesley Publishing)
I like this book, it's really thick and makes me look knowledgeable when I'm reading it!
Seriously, this book is invaluable and the information therein is extensive.
Comes bundled with a CD of info and goodies.
Highly Recommended.

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